versions of the product.
Also make sure that the product conforms to any pertinent local laws.
Store the product in a dry and dust-free place.
Avoid instability which could be used by wrongly positioning the product.
Turn the rotating parts at regular intervals to prevent them from jamming (consult paragraph 5.1 "Preliminary inspections" for the relative procedure).
For safe storage after a previous installation, the pump must be thoroughly cleaned with water (never ever use hydrocarbon based
products for this purpose) and dried inside with a jet of forced air.
The product must be handled with care and caution. Use suitable lifting means in compliance with the safety provisions in merit.
In particular:
- never use the lifting points with which the electric motor is equipped when handling the assembled unit. Use a harness under the base frame and
make sure that the unit remains stable during the lifting process.
Consult the data in chapter 11 "Technical data" in order to identify the weight of each individual component.
Make sure that the unit is never exposed to weather conditions which, in view of its protection degree, could be able to damage it.
Dispose of the packing material as established by the local laws in force. Do not litter.
Always make sure that the pump is free to turn by means of the extending shaft. Take care to prevent it from being damaged.
Make sure that:
- when pumping from sumps, that the minimum dynamic level of the water is such as to prevent a vortex from being created (minimum indicative
submergence 0.5 m).
Make sure that the delivery pipe is equipped with:
- a pressure gauge.
Make sure that the suction pipe:
- is equipped with a foot valve to enable priming if the pump is installed above water level (consult paragraph 6.1 "Starting").
Also make sure that:
- ventilation is guaranteed in order to prevent the air temperature from dangerously
- if the noise level of the system must be lowered, that the pump is connected to the
- the pump and pipes are protected against freezing when temperatures are liable to
drop. Failing this, all water must be drained out.
- when pumping hot liquids, the pump and piping surfaces which can get heated to
are adequately protected by means of guards to prevent scalding of the skin by contact.
The pipes must be supported near the pump casing since this latter
must absolutely not act as a supporting point.
The forces (F) and moments (M) transmitted by the pipes owing to heat
expansion, actual weight, misalignments, lack of expansion
joints for example, may act on the suction and delivery ports at the same
time, but must never exceed the maximum tolerated values
given in the "Limits to use" table in chapter 11 "Technical data".
Caprari S.p.A.
0,5 m
0,3 m