Boil 3 eggs. Boil spinach or lettuce and drain carefully. Mince bread, onion, pork and
drained spinach. Fry onion in butter until softened. Soak bread in milk.
Mix bread, onion, pork, spinach, peas and parmesan. Add 1 egg, season with salt and
pepper and thyme leaves.
Spread stuffing evenly over meat, arrange slices of hardboiled eggs on top and shape
roast, using thread and needle. Put into the net.
Prepare stock, adding some bones. Bring to the boil. Add meat, lower fire and simmer
for 1 hr + 30 mins. Drain and let cool down. Cut into slices and serve with a salad.
Note: for a better presentation, cover slices with a Port jelly and gamish with parsley
leaves, slices of carrots, tomatoes and cucumber.
Boil prawns in water and juice of 1/2 lemon, drain and shell. Let cool down.
Prepare jelly in the meantime and pour into pudding mould (perfect quantity is 250 ml).
Arrange prawns on bottom of mould. Place in refrigerator and let stiffen. Finely minve
tuna fish and anchovy fillets (both carefully drained). Put soft butter into a bowl (take
butter out of refrigerator a few hrs before). Knead with wooden spoon or electric beater.
Then gradually add tuna paste, pour in brandy and keep blending for a few secs. Taste
and if like, season with pepper. Take mouls out of refrigerator and line inside (not covered
with jelly) with slices of pickled gherkins and peppers. Add tuna paste and squeez well
to avoid empty spaces. Replace in refrigerator for at least 12 hrs. To serve keep moul
in boiling water and turn patè upside-down on serving plate.
Gamish to taste.
Mince macaroons and candied fruit peels. Mix flour, 60 g of sugar, 1 egg and cream in a
bowl, using a beater. Pour into a casserole and slowly cook for 10 mins, stirring with a
woodwn spoon. Take away from fire, stir in 1 yolk, macaroons, pels and butter. Put back
to fire and slowly cook for 5 mins, stirring continuously. Peel and core apples, dip in egg-
white and cover with sugar. Place in ovenproof dish, put stuffing into the hole in the
middle. Bake for 30 mins.
Place apples on a seving plate, pour remaining cream over and gamish with candied
Note: Serve hot, lukewarm or cold.
Tuna-fish paté with prawns
• 300 g tuna-fish in oil
• 300 g butter
• 4/6 anchovy fillets in oil
• 1 small glass of brandy
• 1 jelly cube
• 1 lemon
• Salt and pepper
• 500 g prawns (or scampi)
• a few pickled gherkins and peppers
Baked apples
• 8 apples, possibly rennets
• 30 g flour
• 2 eggs
• 80 g butter
• 60 g sugar
• 250 g cream
• 6 macaroons
• 2 canadied lemon or orange peels