Picture key: Press once to take a single picture.
Video key: Press once to start recording a video,
press again to stop.
Power off key: Press and hold for 4 seconds to
turn off the camera.
Indicator function:
Left indicator:
When Wi-Fi is connected, flicker with blue.
Middle indicator:
When paired finished, light with blue;
when during charging, light with red;
during charging when camera is on, light
with purple.
Right indicator:
When video recording, flicker with green;
when picture captured, flicker once for each
single picture.
the remote control is not waterproof
Pairing your camera and remote control
a. Press and hold the Picture & Video keys for 3
seconds, then release;
b. turn the camera on;
c. when the camera enters into the real live inter-
face, and the middle blue indicator lights up,
the pairing is finished.