8.1 Cleaning
8.2 Disinfecting
8.3 Sterilisation
Use a soft cloth dampened with mild soapsuds to
clean the surfaces of the device.
Damage to device
The viewing windows of scales and displays are
made of acrylic glass. Acrylic glass windows
can crack or become cloudy if unsuitable disin-
fectants are used on them.
– Only use disinfectants suitable for sensitive
surfaces. Suitable disinfectants are available
from specialist dealers.
1. Follow the instructions on the disinfectant.
2. Disinfect the device at regular intervals using a soft
cloth dampened with a suitable disinfectant.
3. Please take note of the following terms:
Before every measurement Tray
After every measurement
If required
This device may not be sterilised.
Display elements,
controls, housing
Hygiene treatment • 73