4.3.3 MEDIUM (pre-programmed)
Training objectives:
k Basic training, used generally to improve overall
endurance performance (aerobic condition).
k Increases competition speed as the VO
be exploited over a longer period.
k Increases the beating volume of the heart (i.e. increases the
quantity of blood that can be pumped by one heart beat).
k Increases the number of mitochondria (cell's power plant)
k improved provision of energy
k Improved O
and density of capillaries in the lungs and tissues
k Improves VO
Note: Medium endurance training starts with a 5 min warm-up and
ends with a 5 min cool-down. At the end of the 5 min fixed warm-up
and cool-down times these phases end automatically. You can also
end the warm-up and cool-down prematurely with the Navigation
button k SKIP and start the main part of the training program.
4.3.4 OWN (freely programmable)
intake and CO
output by increasing blood volume
You can program your own personal endurance
training. Please refer to Chapter 3.3.1 Own
endurance training for more information on
this subject.
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