2.6 Automatic chronometer function (LAP)
This function describes the function/display of the chronometer associa-
ted with the TD. The information is displayed on digits 1-5 and accom-
panied by the letters LAP, as shown in Fig.8. The figure displays the time
lapse of the bike (in mm:ss format if hours = 0, and in hh:mm format
if hours > 0), associated with the TD parameter; it is therefore an auto-
matic counter: it is automatically activated with the first impulse from
the speed sensor (when LAP is operative, the digit separating hours and
minutes, and minutes and seconds, flashes, and is displayed fixed when
LAP is not operative), and stops 3 seconds after reception of the last
impulse sent by the speed sensor. The data is not saved permanently to
memory. It is possible to zero the counter associated with this parameter
by pressing the button (below the LAP function) for about 3 seconds until
the value 00'00" appears. The zeroing of the LAP can be effected both
while stationary and whilst moving, and also zeroes the TD function. If
the figure exceeds 23-59 (that is 23 hours 59 minutes and 59 seconds),
the system will automatically zero the LAP and TD, and will then restart
the trip function.
fig.8 LAP function
2.7 Modification to wheel circumference, units of measurement and wheel
The modification to the wheel circumference, units of measurement and
number of wheel impulses can only be effected while stationary, maintai-
ning the button pressed under the TOD function until the only information
displayed (in the 2-5 digits) is the wheel circumference and all the other
segments are off (see Fig.9). It is possible to modify the various figures
constituting the value for the wheel circumference, starting with the largest
figure and moving successively to the lesser one; depending on the digit
selected (shown flashing with f=1Hz, Duty=50%), a brief pressure on the
button will increase the figure by one, whilst a longer pressure will enable
the selection of a different figure