By means of the Generator function, it is possible to define all the
characteristics of a test signal in order to equalise the transmission band (UPSTREAM)
As a Spectrum Analyser it provides the analysis of the entire band, with a
span defined by the user from 1 to 100 MHz. Furthermore, it is possible to alter the
reference level, and to select the detection mode between peak and average.
The PROMAX-26 also works as a DOCSIS and EuroDOCSIS systems
analyser for installation and maintenance of high-speed interactive video and data
services as well as voice (Internet, telephony and TV on demand) over coaxial networks
based on the DOCSIS / EuroDOCSIS (Data Over Cable System Interface Specification)
The instrument communicates with the Cable Modem Terminal Server (CMTS)
located at the headend through the return band for upstream and forward band for
It admits two operating modes: registered and unregistered. In unregistered
mode, the PROMAX-26 displays important parameters of the DOCSIS/EuroDOCSIS
system, such as attenuation in the return band, frequency used, modulation error ratio
(MER), constellation diagram or power in digital channels.
In registered mode it is possible to meter statistical data on transmission
packets on the network or view the assigned IP address.
As a DOCSIS/EuroDOCSIS system analyser, the PROMAX-26 is capable of
the following measurements:
Communications Test (Registered mode):
Page 2
Channel power measurement
Evaluation of quality: MER and BER
Constellation diagram
Power levels for a frequency band
Frequency, channel and active channel plan
Modulation type and symbol rate
Power level measurement
Attenuation at CMTS
Frequency and bandwidth
Modulation and symbol rate
Constellation diagram
Communications test
IP report
Ping test
Packet loss ratio
Packet expected time