23. Once the spring bar is resting securely on the lift bracket insert the "L" retaining pin into the square
hole and secure with the hair pin clip.
WARNING: Keep clear of the pivot path of all moving parts when there is tension on the spring bar.
Maintain control of the lift handle at all times when raising or lowering the spring bar. Be sure that the "L"
pin and hair pin is in place before driving.
Check Vehicle Height and Adjust Spring Bars If Necessary
24. Retract the tongue jack completely so the hitch is supporting the weight of the trailer. Measure the
same 3 places as done on pages 5 & 6 and compare. The tow vehicle should settle evenly front to
back. The rear fender should not settle lower than the front fender, if it has then you will need to
either raise the lift brackets 1 hole or add a hardened washer under the large head tilt pin on the head
assembly. The frame mark should be ¼"-1" max higher than the original measurement noted on
page 5, section 3.
All Products limited to Vehicle Tow Rating, see Vehicle Owners Manual. Visit www.huskytow.com for Warranty
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