Skil 4750 Manual De Instrucciones página 10

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Idiomas disponibles

Idiomas disponibles

puede mermar la eficacia del aislamiento
de la herramienta eléctrica. En estos casos
(506) 211 1717 / 211 1737
se recomienda aplicar un equipo de aspi-
ración estacionario, soplar frecuentemente
(53) 270 3820
las rejillas de refrigeración, e intercalar un
Ecuador - TECNOVA
fusible diferencial (FI).
(59) 34 2200 500
Lubrique de vez en cuando el rodillo guía R con
El Salvador - HEACSA
unas gotas aceite.
(203) 2221 9000
Controle periódicamente el rodillo guía R. Si es-
Guatemala - EDISA
tuviese excesivamente desgastado es necesa-
rio hacerlo sustituir por un servicio técnico Skil
(502) 2234-4063
Honduras - CHIPS
Si a pesar de los esmerados procesos de fa-
(504) 556 9781
bricación y controle de la cualidad, la máquina
México - Robert Bosch S.A. de C.V.
llegase a averiarse, la reparación deberá encar-
Tel. Interior: +52 (01) 800 627 1286
garse a un taller de servicio autorizado servicio
Tel. D.F.: +52 (01) 52 84 30 62
técnico SKIL de herramientas eléctricas.
Nicarágua - MADINISA
(505) 249 8152 / 249 8153
Para los aparatos SKIL concedemos una garan-
tía de acuerdo con las prescripciones legales
Panamá - ZENTRUM
específicas de cada país (comprobación a tra-
(507) 229 2800
vés de la factura o albarán de entrega).
Paraguai - CHISPA
Están excluidos de garantía los daños ocasio-
(595) 2155 3315
nados por desgaste natural, sobrecarga o ma-
nejo inadecuado.
(511) 706 1100 / 706 1143
Las reclamaciones únicamente pueden consi-
Republica Dominicana - JOCASA
derarse si la máquina se evita sin desmontar al
suministrador de la misma o a un Servicio Téc-
(1809) 372 6000 / 530 2720
nico SKIL de herramientas eléctricas.
¡Atención! Los gastos de flete y seguro están
(59) 82 200 6225
por cuenta del cliente, aunque para reclamacio-
Venezuela - Robert Bosch Venezuela
nes de garantía.
(58) 212 207 4511/ 207 4420
Argentina - Robert Bosch Argentina S.A.
Recuperación de materias primas en lugar
Av. Córdoba 5160 - C1414BAW
de producir desperdicios.
Ciudad Autonoma de Buenos Aires
El aparato, los accesorios y el embalaje debie-
Atencion al Cliente
ran someterse a un proceso de recuperación
Tel.: +54 (0810) 555 2020
que respete el medio ambiente.
Para efectuar un reciclaje selectivo se han iden-
tificado las piezas de plástico.
Bolivia - HANSA
(591) 2 240 7777
Chile - EMASA S.A.
Irarrázaval 259 – Ñuñoa - Santiago
Tel.: +56 (02) 520 3100
Colombia - Robert Bosch Ltda
(57) 1 658 5000 ext. 308
Protección del medio ambiente
Reservado el derecho de modificaciones
General power tool safety instructions.
electric cable, it should be made by an author-
Warning! Read all safety warn-
ized and qualified technical service. A dam-
ings and all instructions. Failure
aged cable increases the risk of electric shock.
to follow the warnings and instruc-
h) Hold power tool by insulated gripping sur-
tions may result in electric shock,
faces, when performing an operation where
fire and/or serious injury.
Save all warnings and instructions for future
the cutting accessory may contact hidden
wiring or its own cord. Cutting accessory con-
tacting a "live" wire may make exposed metal
The term "power tool" in the warnings refers
parts of the power tool " live" and could give the
to your mains-operated (corded) power tool or
operator an electric shock.
battery-operated (cordless) power tool.
3. Personal safety
a) Stay alert, watch what you are doing and
1. Work area safety
use common sense when operating a power
a) Keep work area clean and well lit. Cluttered
tool. Do not use a power tool while if you are
and poorly lit areas can result in accidents.
tired or under the influence of drugs, alcohol
b) Do not operate power tools in the pres-
or medication. A moment of inattention while
ence of flammable liquids, gases or dust.
operating power tools may result in serious per-
Power tools create sparks which may ignite the
sonal injury.
dust or fumes.
b) Use safety equipment. Always wear eye
c) Keep children and bystanders away while
protection. Safety equipment such as dust
operating a power tool. Distractions can cause
mask, non-skid safety shoes, hard hat, or hear-
you to lose control
ing protection used for appropriate conditions
2. Electrical safety
will reduce personal injuries.
a) Power tool plugs must match the outlet.
c) Avoid accidental starting. Ensure the
Never modify the plug in any way. Do not use
switch is in the off-position before plugging
any adapter plugs with earthed (grounded)
in. Carrying power tools with your finger on
power tools. Unmodified plugs and matching
the switch or plugging in power tools that are
outlets will reduce risk of electric shock.
switches on invite accidents.
b) Avoid body contact with earthed or ground-
d) Remove any adjusting key or wrench be-
ed surfaces such as pipes, radiators and re-
fore switching on the power tool. A wrench or
frigerators. There is an increased risk of electric
a key left attached to a rotating part of the power
shock if your body is earthed or grounded.
tool may result in personal injury.
c) Do not expose power tools to rain or wet
e) Do not overreach. Keep proper footing and
conditions. Water entering a power tool will in-
balance at all times. This enables better control
crease the risk of electric shock.
of the power tool in unexpected situations.
d) Do not misuse the cord. Never use the cord
f) Dress properly. Do not wear loose cloth-
for carrying, pulling or unplugging the power
ing or jewellery. Keep your hair, clothing
tool. Keep cord away from heat, oil, sharp
and gloves away from moving parts. Loose
edges or moving parts. Damaged or entangled
clothes, jewellery or long hair can be caught in
cords increase the risk of electric shock.
moving parts.
e) When operating a power tool outdoors,
g) If devices are provided for the connection
use an extension cord suitable for outdoor
of dust ex-traction and collection facilities,
use. Use of a cord suitable for outdoor use re-
ensure these are connected and properly
duces the risk of electric shock.
used. Use of these devices can reduce dust re-
f) If it is not possible to avoid the use of the
lated hazards.
power tool in humid or wet areas, use a re-
h) Use ear protectors. Exposure to noise can
sidual current device (RCD)protected supply.
cause hearing loss.
Use of an RCD reduces the risk of electric shock.
g) In case of change need or substitution of the


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