Caution: Tubing can disconnect from connectors without warning if occluded. Do not step on, set equipment on, pinch,
kink, clamp, or otherwise occlude tubing during use.
Note: Nominal Maximum Flow Rate: 95 ml/min.
System Operation
• Do not use a dissection tool without an attachment, injury may occur.
• Only Use G1 Dissection Tools. Using other than indicated dissection tools may lead to injury.
• Use the correct dissection tool and attachment combination or injury may occur.
• Do not use handpiece without an attachment and dissection tool properly locked in place. Damage to the burr lock
mechanism could occur.
Console Default Settings
Direction: Forward (clockwise with distal end pointing away from user)
Speed: 80,000 RPM (maximum)
User Interface: Foot Control
Irrigation: OFF
Console Operation
1. To increase or decrease maximum operational speed of handpiece, depress blue arrows located on front of
console. Maximum operational speed increases and decreases in 10,000 RPM increments. Lights on front of
console will indicate the maximum Revolutions per Minute (RPM).
2. To change rotational direction of handpiece, depress "R" or "F" arrow located on front of console. Direction can only
be changed when handpiece is not running. Lights next to "F" and "R" will indicate if console is set to forward or
reverse. A series of three beeps indicates console is set to operate in reverse (counterclockwise) and the foot pedal
is depressed.
Note: The following steps are to operate irrigation on SC3002 console only.
3. To activate irrigation, depress the Irrigation button on front of console. Light will be on to indicate irrigation is active.
Note: Irrigation can also be activated from certain optional Foot Controls (see Step 4 of Foot Control Operation
4. To control flow of irrigation, rotate knob located adjacent to irrigation pump. Irrigation flow rate is controlled by
position of knob on dial located adjacent to irrigation pump.
Note: Buttons with hand and foot symbols on front of console are non-operational. Light next to foot symbol is on
indicating console is set to operate in foot control mode. There is no hand control mode for EG1A Handpiece, consoles
will always be in foot control mode.
Foot Control Operation
Note: Certain optional foot controls have direction and irrigation control switches.
1. Set operational direction of handpiece (see Step 2 of Console Operation).
Warning: Handpiece is fully functional at this time.
Caution: Do not use handpiece without an attachment and dissection tool properly locked in place. Damage to the
burr lock mechanism could occur.
2. Press foot control pedal to start handpiece. Increase pressure on pedal to increase speed of handpiece and
release pressure on pedal to decrease speed of handpiece.
3. Optional (E-FP-DIR and E-FP-DIR/IRR only): To change direction of handpiece, depress Directional Control Switch
located on top left of foot control for a minimum of one second. When direction changes, a single beep will sound
and light on front of console will indicate direction of rotation once the pedal is depressed. Direction can only be
changed when handpiece is not running.