AV LED Cooling gas test
In Plasma Welding mode, combined withconsole item no 46501.
Indicates that the device for reducing the risk of electrical shocks is operating correctly.
This lights up automatically at the end of the welding process to indicate that displays AR and AS show the two most
recent current and voltage measured values.
This lights up when the BD key is selected.
BD JOB retrieval key
Pressing this key calls up a stored welding point. The AW knob is used to select the previously stored JOB number.
BE LED Remote control
This lights up when any remote control is connected to the dedicated connector.
BF Wire return key
When this key is pressed, the motor rewinds the welding wire by a few centimetres.
This operation takes place with no voltage present in the torch and no gas flow.
Combined with wire feeder WF5 COLD WIRE item no 1649 for cold wire TIG.
BG LED Cooling unit
This lights up when the cooling unit connected to the power source is active.
BH Wire test key
Press this key to feed the wire.
Combined with wire feeder unit WF5 COLD WIRE item no 1649 for cold wire TIG.
BI LED Quality control.
It lights up when the Quality Control accessory is active and connected to the machine.
BL Gas test key
When this key is pressed, the gas flows out for 30 seconds. If pressed again during gas flow, the flow stops.