Temperature Controllers Type V2, V4, V8
1) Strainer. - To ensure the best possible func-
tion of the temperature regulator a strainer
has to be fitted in front of the valve.
2) To facilitate servicing, isolating valves and a
by-pass valve are recommended.
Screwed valves should be installed with
3) Clean the pipe out thoroughly before install-
ing the valve.
4) Depending on the temperature of the
medium flowing through the valve, the valve
can be fitted with the thermostat above or
below in accordance with the following:
up to 170°C: optional, up or down
170-350°C: always down (and in addition fit
cooling unit KS between valve
and thermostat).
5) (Fig. 1). Lock nut (33) must be slackened.
Use packing tape on the thread of the
sensor connection (32), screw into place and
tighten to form a seal against the cone (30).
6) Ventilation sensors are provided with a
flange to fit a 65-mm hole in the wall of the
duct. Fasten in position e.g. by means of
self tapping screws. The sensor should be
located where the medium is well mixed,
e.g. after a fan.
7) Mount the thermostat on the valve ensuring
that the gasket (2) provided is in place, and
tighten the union.
8) On installations likely to vibrate (e.g. marine
equipment), support the control cylinder.
NB: The end of the capillary tube nearest
the handle (28) must be free to move, as the
handle - and thus the tube - moves longitudi-
nally when it is turned.
9) It is not normally necessary to install a
sensor pocket as most repairs can be car-
ried out with the sensor in place.
Temperature setting (Fig. 1)
Turn the handle (28) until the upper edge indicates
the desired temperature on the scale (18).
Calibration (Fig. 1)
If the pre-set temperature fails to agree with the
actual temperature achieved, the thermostat must
be calibrated. Allow the control thermometer to
settle, then - without turning the handle (28) - push
the scale (18) until it shows the same tempera-
ture as that actually obtained. The scale is now
calibrated for all settings.
Topping up with fluid (Fig. 1 and 2)
If after a long period of use the thermostat has
lost a quantity of fluid and can no longer shut
the valve, it must be topped up. This is done as
follows (at a low sensor temperature):
Draw off the indicating bushing (19) so that it
is free of the handle (28). The handle is then
turned towards higher temperatures until it can
be removed from the supporting tube (20).
Remove the bellows (210), slacken and remove
the threaded bushing (211), remove the two felt
rings (212) and the bushing (213). Now the piston
(230), the O-ring (214) and the supporting ring
(215) can be drawn out of the cylinder (27).
NB: Take care not to damage the interior of the
cylinder when removing the parts in question.
The piston should be polished with a soft cloth. If
scratched, the piston will have to be replaced. The
fitting of the new packing parts can now begin.
Pour glycerine into the cylinder (27), and carefully
slide the piston (on which the O-ring and sup-
port ring have been fitted) into place. When the
packing ring is tightened in position by means of
the bushing (211), the piston will be pushed out
slightly. The temperature range of the thermostat
is determined by the protrusion height of the
piston relative to the sensor temperature.