ES9460 MFP/ES9470 MFP/CX3535 MFP/
Installing Toner Cartridges
CX4545 MFP is an automatic setup machine.
(Steps 45-2 to 45-6)
Never turn the power OFF with the main power
1. When the following message appears on
switch until the adjustment from step *44 to *47
the ADJUSTMENT screen, install the toner
is completed according to the procedures in the
cartridge for each color (Y, M, C, K). See
Unpacking & Installation Instructions.
steps 45-2 to 45-6 for the installing procedure.
1. Turn the power ON with the main power
"Set the cartridge for each of the 4
2. Press [OK] on the AUTHENTICATION screen.
2. The following message appears when the
A password is unnecessary.
4 colors (Y, M, C, K) toner cartridges are
3. When the following message appears on the
installed, press [OK].
ADJUSTMENT screen, press [OK].
"Are all the toner cartridges installed?"
"Start easy setup.
Press "OK"."
Image Quality Control Adjustment
In a while, the following message appears.
This control automatically starts after pressing
The current voltage (V) automatically
[OK] in the above step 2.
changes, gradually approaching the reference
The following message appears during the
one for the adjustment.
Initialization of image quality control is doing."
Color Registration Control Adjustment
4. When [OK] appears, press it.
This control automatically starts after completing
the image quality control.
The following message appears during the
Forced color registration adjustment is doing."
Automatic Gamma Adjustment for
Excelp NAD
Setting the Data Encryption Function
1. When the following message appears, press
When the customers need to use the data
[OK]. (Be sure to first set A4 or LT paper in
encryption function, set it according to the
following procedure.
"Execute copy gamma adjustment. Set A4/LT
1. Turn the power ON with the main power switch
paper in the upper drawer and press [OK]."
while pressing [0] and [8] simultaneously.
2. The test chart for the adjustment is output.
2. [9379] → [START]
3. When the following message appears, set the
3. Set the value of the data encryption.
output test chart face down on the glass. Be
Giving priority to the security:
sure to set the test chart aligned to the top left
[1] → [ENTER]
Giving priority to the performance:
[2] → [ENTER]
"Place the printed chart with its face down and
the 2 black solid rectangles to the left. Then
4. Shut down the equipment by pressing the [ON/
close the original cover or the ADF and press
OFF] button until you hear a sound.
5. Turn the power OFF with the main power
4. When [OK] is pressed, the automatic gamma
adjustment is started.
6. Turn the power ON with the main power
The scanner automatically reads the original
and carries out the calibration of the gradation.
7. The following message appears. Then check
the data encryption is being processed.
If the adjustment fails in 4, the following
message appears. The original may have
"Security Level Change Execution
deviated from an appropriate setting position.
Please Wait... Operation in Progress..."
Reset the original, and then press [OK].
8. The following message appears. Then the
equipment automatically restarts.
Press [OK] to perform the adjustment again or
"Encryption Complete"
[CANCEL] to finish it."
Automatic Gamma Adjustment for
When the data encryption function is set, inform
the customers of the following.
• If security is the priority, the processing speed
1. Perform the adjustment according to the
for copying and printing may slow down.
above procedures 1 to 4 for copying. The
following message appears.
• If performance is the priority, the processing
speed does not slow down; however, the
"Execute 600dpi print gamma adjustment.
security level is lowered.
Set A4/LT paper in the upper drawer and
press [OK]."
• If customers want to stop using the data
encryption function, or to add the function to
2. When the adjustment is completed properly,
their current equipment, they should ask their
the following message appears.
service technician.
Press the [ON/OFF] button until you hear a
"Press and hold the [POWER] button until the
power is turned OFF."
Setting the Date and Time
1. Press the [ON/OFF] button.
2. Press the [USER FUNCTIONS] button.
3. Press [ADMIN] then [PASSWORD]. Key in
[123456] (initial value) of the admin password
and then press [OK].
4. Press [GENERAL], [CLOCK] and [DATE/
5. Enter the values for the year, month, date,
hour and minute, and then press [OK].
6. Shut down the equipment by pressing the [ON/
OFF] button until you hear a sound.
7. Turn the power OFF with the main power