You use approx. 1 teaspoon per cup.
After boiling the water, allow it to cool down for around
three minutes before the tea is placed in it. Depending
on the type of tea, the ideal temperature is approx. 60°C
because in excessively high temperatures the tea loses its
delicate fl avours, the catechins come to the fore and the tea
becomes more bitter as a result.
Very high-quality Shincha, Sencha or Gyokuro tea should
only be infused at 50 – 60°C. For Karigane / Kukicha you
should use water at a temperature of approx. 70°C. And for
Hojicha, Bancha or Genmaicha, you should opt for higher
temperatures of up to 100°C.
Most varieties of green tea should only be infused for
approx. 2 – 3 minutes.
Green tea can be infused several times. A good tea can
withstand 2 – 3 infusions, with the intensity of the fl avour
being halved each time.
Oolong Tea
Oolong tea is not as heavily fermented as black tea, so it
can be ranked between black and green tea.
The caffeine content of oolong tea is also between black
and green tea.
After harvesting and withering, the tea leaves of oolong tea
are fermented for around two hours and then dried in an
iron pan or oven to interrupt the fermentation process.
High-quality oolong teas, such as Pu-Erh tea, improve in
fl avour if they are stored in optimum conditions for a pro-
longed period.