In value review mode, press the "left button" or "right button" to
page up or page down, press "up button" or "down button" to page
up or page down quickly.The displayed time on the right top is the
total recording time.
In trend review mode, the pink number on the left bottom is current
recording time point of the trend graph, the middle azury font is
SpO2 value, yellow font is pulse rate value, the green font on the
right bottom is PI value. Press "up button" or "down button" to page
up or page down. Press "left button" or "right button" to move the
recording time which is denoted by pink triangle.
Close the device
a. In the main menu interface, move the choice bar to the "Power "
item, then press the menu button to close the device. If the
record function has been opened, the prompt interface of
"Recording..." will appear when closing the device.It means that
the device is in the record state,can't be closed.
b. In the state of boot-strap,long press power button could close the
device too.
6.1.4 PC software operation
Please connect the device to the computer by data line, then double
click "SpO2 Assistant" icon to run the PC software. The functions such
as uploading real time/memory data and change device ID could be
carried out by the software. Please refer to <SpO2 Assistant user
manual> for detail.
If the users choose to turn on the display function on
computer, it would probably take several seconds for the data
to appear on the computer screen. (If there is no data on the
computer screen, unplug data line, then repeat step E again.)
6.1.5 Charge
Connect the device to power supply with power line.
When the device is closed and the battery is charging up, short
press the power button and the device will display dynamic
charge icon, it means that the device is charging up.
When the battery status is full, the charging has been finished.
When the device is open and the battery is charging up, the
battery status icon on the right top will display dynamically. It
means that the device is charging up. When the battery status
is full, the charging has been finished.
Figure19 TREND review interface