DIP5 - IR detection sensitivity
Set to ON for low sensitivity and OFF for high sensi-
• DIP5 is ignored if DIP3 is set to ON and sensitivity is
automatically set to High.
DIP6 - Operation LED after alarm
Set to ON to have the PIR II indicating with the Opera-
tion LED (D2) when an alarm is sent.
The operation LED will always indicate start-up
regardless of this DIP setting.
DIP7 - Detection LED after movement
Set to ON to have the PIR II indicating with the Detec-
tion LED (D1) when a movement is detected.
DIP8 - Disable OFF button (S5)/Alarm delay
The function of DIP8 depends on whether DIP3 is set
to ON or OFF.
PIR II User manual - NE41 19003-00 v1.2