• You cannot use accented letters when
entering a street or city name. You can
enter city and streets names using only
standard characters.
As letters are entered for a city or street, the
Quickspell feature checks the database for
cities or streets that begin with the letters
entered. Any letters that cannot be used to
spell a city or street name are greyed out.
Smart City Search
The Smart City Search feature attempts to
predict the city you are looking for based on
your position and cities you've gone to before.
Whenever entering or searching for an
address, the Enter City Name keyboard is
displayed first.
As letters are entered, Quickspell checks
the database for cities beginning with the
letters entered. Keys that don't spell a city in
the database are greyed out, and Smart City
Search displays a suggested city in the text
Tap the
button to continue when the city is
Tapping the
cities that begin with the letters entered.
button displays a list of