Therefore, rotate the receiver over the wire being traced until the highest reading
is displayed. If during tracing, the signal is reduced, the wire may have changed
directions (e.g. from horizontal travel across a wall to vertical travel up a wall). Rotate
the receiver to find the strongest signal again.
Use the back of the receiver to sweep the wall or floor and determine the circuit's
general location. Use the nose of the receiver to pinpoint its location.
Steel conduit attenuates (weakens) the signal radiating from the wires inside the
conduit. Aluminum conduit significantly attenuates the signal. So, the receiver should
be set at a higher sensitivity and may need to be placed closer to the circuit to obtain
a stronger signal detection.
Test Lead Kit (TL-956)
A complete test lead kit is supplied for use with the transmitter:
TLOP-956 Outlet Plug Adapter
for plugging into standard
120VAC outlets.
TLBP-956 (2) Blade Prongs
for inserting into a separate
outlet with a remote neutral
conductor as a return path.
TLGP-956 Ground Prong for
inserting into a separate outlet
with remote ground conductor
as a return path.
TLAC-956 (2) Alligator Clips
for connecting directly to bare
wires and grounding points.
TLA1-956 (2) 3' Lead Adapters for use with above clips and prongs to connect to bare
wires and grounding points.
TLA2-956 25' Lead Adapter for use with above clips and prongs to connect to remote
return paths.
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