Potato Peelers may also be used to peel carrots, oranges, lemons
3.2 Cleaning
To achieve a good machine cleaning , follow these instructions:
1 . Start the machine empty , and let it work during some minutes,
adding abundant water .
2. Switch OFF the machine and unplug it . Wait for the Abrasive Disc
No.07 (Pict.01) to stop completely.
3. Clean the outside of the housing with a wet cloth.
4. Remove the Lid No.05 (Pict.01) and lift the Abrasive Disc #. 07
(Pict.01) .
5 Clean the Disc using a nylon brush and abundant water.
6 . Replace the Disc inside the machine following the inverse
procedure . Take care to have the Disc fitting on the central shaft pin .
3.2.1 Cautions with Stainless Steel:
The Stainless Steel may present rust signs, which ARE ALWAYS
CAUSED BY EXTERNAL AGENTS, especially when the cleaning or
sanitization is not constant and appropriate.
The Stainless Steel resistance towards corrosion is mainly due to the
presence of chrome, which in contact with oxygen allows the formation of a very
thin protective coat. This protective coat is formed through the whole surface of
the steel, blocking the action of external corrosive agents.
When the protective coat is broken, the corrosion process begins, being
possible to avoid it by means of constant and adequate cleaning.
Cleaning must always be done immediately after using the equipment. For
such end, use water, neutral soap or detergent, and clean the equipment with a
soft cloth or a nylon sponge. Then rinse it with plain running water, and dry
immediately with a soft cloth, this way avoiding humidity on surfaces and
especially on gaps.
The rinsing and drying processes are extremely important to prevent stains
and corrosion from arising.
and similar .