Within the next 5 seconds the red LED blinks to indicate Mode OFF (disabled) is selected. If hands
are placed closer than 2 cm. in front of LED and kept in place for 5 seconds, Hygienic Flush will be
disabled and the sensor exits the setting mode. If hands are not closer than 2 cm. in front of LED, the
process will continue to next mode.
Within the next 5 seconds, if "Mode OFF" has not been selected, the red LED will signal that Mode
12 h is on, with a double blink. If hands are placed closer than 2 cm. in front of LED and kept in
place for 5 seconds, the Hygienic Flush will be set to 12 hours and the sensor exits the setting mode.
If hands are not closer than 2 cm. in front of LED, the process will continue to next mode.
Within the next 5 seconds, if "Mode 12 h" has not been selected, the red LED will signal that Mode
24 h is on, with a triple blink. If hands are placed closer than 2 cm. in front of LED and kept in place
for 5 seconds, the Hygienic Flush will be set to 24 hours and the sensor exits the setting mode. If
hands are not closer than 2 cm. in front of LED, no new adjustment will be detected, keeping the
previous adjustment.