OSM TURN OFF: The OSM control menu will stay on as long as it is use. You can
select how long the monitor waits after the last touch of a button to shut off the OSM
control menu. Time can be set between 10-120 seconds, in 5 second increments.
OSM LOCK OUT: This control completely locks out access to some of or to all of the
OSM control functions. When attempting to activate OSM controls while in the Lock
Out mode, a screen will appear indicating the OSM controls are locked out.
There are four ways to use OSM LOCK OUT function:
1. OSM LOCK OUT with BRIGHTNESS and CONTRAST control: This mode
locks all OSM functions except for BRIGHTNESS and CONTRAST.
To activate, press the SELECT and "Up" buttons simultaneously, while in the
OSM menu.
To deactivate, press the SELECT and "Up" buttons simultaneously, while in
the OSM menu
2. OSM LOCK OUT with no control: This mode prevents access to all
OSM functions.
To activate, press the SELECT and "Right" buttons simultaneously.
To deactivate, press the SELECT and "Right" buttons simultaneously,
while in the OSM menu.
3. OSM LOCK OUT with BRIGHTNESS (only) control: This mode locks all OSM
functions except for BRIGHTNESS.
To activate, press the SELECT, "Left" and "Down" buttons simultaneously,
while in the OSM menu.
To deactivate, press SELECT, then "Left" and "Down" buttons simultaneously
while in the OSM menu.
4. CUSTOM: refer to the Advanced OSM Menu.
OSM TRANSPARENCY: Adjusts the transparency of the OSM Menu.
OSM COLOR: "Tag window frame color", "Item select color" and "Adjust window
frame color" can be changed to Red, Green, Blue, or Gray.
RESOLUTION NOTIFIER: The Resolution Notifi er warns the user if the input signal
to the monitor is set at something other than the optimized resolution of
1280 x 1024. If the monitor detects a signal that is not at the optimized
resolution then, after 30 seconds, a warning message will appear on the screen.
When the Resolution Notifi er is ON, the warning will appear every 30 seconds.
The Resolution Notifi er can be turned OFF in the OSM. The factory default for the
Resolution Notifi er is ON.
– continued