salmson COFFRET C.VV Instalación Y Puesta En Marcha página 17

Cajas de sobrepresión para alti-e
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Idiomas disponibles

When demand drops to such a point that the speed-regulated pump
is operating at the low end of its range and as a result is no longer
necessary to meet the demand, this pump is stopped. The regulation
function is then transferred to another pump, which was previously
operating at its maximum flow rate.
Zero flow rate operation
When one single pump is operating, a check is carried out every 60
seconds in order to determine if there is still a flow rate demand. For
this purpose, the set pressure is increased noticeably for a moment,
and then returned to its previous level. The pressure in the installation
has also increased along with the set pressure. If this pressure then
stays at a level greater than the set value, it indicates a zero flow
demand. In such cases, the pump is stopped after a adjustable
delay T2. Once the pressure has fallen to its set value, the system is re-
Operation with alternating pumps
In order to obtain a "uniform" pump utilisation and therefore, to opti-
mise pump operating times, two methods are adopted.
Firstly, any pump that has been operating for six hours is stopped
automatically and the "next" pump is started up, even during opera-
tion. Secondly, when the system is being re-started (for example after
a "zero flow rate detection" or a "remote stop"), it is the pump follo-
wing the previously stopped pump that is started up (except in the
case of this pump failing).
This alternating pump operating mode is used to prevent the pumps
blocking after long idle periods.
Back-up pumps
Setting the system with the aid of DIP switches enables one of the
pumps to be used as a back-up pump. When this mode is chosen,
the pump selected to be the back-up pump is not included in the
normal operating mode. It starts up only if one of the pumps break
down and if there is a flow rate demand on the pump. In the pump
cyclical permutation mode, each pump, in turn, is used as the back-
up pump.
Pump operation transfer in case of fault
When a pump signals a malfunction, it is stopped quickly. This is done
by setting the analogue control voltage at 0V.
When the regulating pump suffers a fault, the regulation is transferred
to the pump that has not been used. When a pump operating at
maximum speed suffers a fault, the flow rate of the regulating pump
is increased according to the demand and, if necessary, another
pump is started up.
Dry running protection
A pressure switch or a safety float switch placed upstream of the unit
signals to the control-box any lack of water at the pump suction.
After an adjustable time delay T1, the pumps are stopped. If there is
a lack of water for less than T1 the pumps do not stop operating. The
system is started up immediately once the signal "dry running" stops.
Any lack of water continuously activates the water shortage fault
diode and the collective fault report.
After the system has restarted automatically, the diode flashes and
the fault report is maintained. Turn the rotary switch to turn off the
diode and de-activate the fault report.
Excessive pressure safety device
An excessive pressure threshold can be defined in order to protect
the building's equipment. If the discharge pressure of the unit
exceeds the threshold for a minimum of three seconds, the pumps
are stopped. The general fault report and the excessive pressure
diode are activated.
Once the system pressure falls under the excessive pressure threshold,
the diode begins to flash, thus indicating that the safety threshold has
been passed. The system is restarted one second after the installa-
tion's pressure once again falls below the set pressure threshold. Turn
the rotary switch in order to turn off the diode and de-activate the
fault report.
Emergency operation
The box is fitted with a safety device so that in the event of micro-
controller board failure, the user can manually regulate the pump
operation signal with an analogue voltage (0-10V) and therefore
adjust the speed of the pumps.
The voltage can be adjusted with a potentiometer. The pumps can
be started and stopped with forced operation switches on the basic
4.2 Control-box adjustment
4.2.1 On the front panel : controls and light (See FIG. 2)
• General section switch (item 1)
External rotary section switch for safety, and for supplying power to
and removing power from the box.
• Liquid crystal display (item 3)
The display shows the parameters defined and the box system mes-
sages, using symbols and numerical values.
If the display permanently shows "ACTIVATED", the box is switched on.
• Rotary switch (item 2)
The rotary switch is used by the operater to input values or to initiali-
se messages and fault reports after a normal situation has been res-
A brief touch of the button causes the basic display to appear in the
pump operating mode menu (See FIG. 3 - Menu 1). Pressing the but-
ton for more than two seconds displays the box system setting menu
(See FIG. 3 - Menu 2).
Scroll through the parameters displayed in the menu columns while
turning the rotary switch to the right or left depending on the case.
• Lights lit-up/Diodes (LED)
Green start-stop diode (item 4) : indicates that the box is "READY". It
is lit up even when no pumps are operating.
Red "dry running" diode (item 5) : when this is permanently lit, it indi-
cates that the equipment has been stopped following the detection
of a lack of water. If the diode is flashing, it indicates that, although a
lack of water has been signalled, there are no other problems with
the equipment. The flashing can be stopped by turning the rotary
switch (item 2).
"Excessive pressure" function red diode (item 6) : enables a fault to
be signalled if the equipment has been stopped as the result of exces-
sive pressure in the installation. If this diode is flashing, it indicates that,
although there has been an overpressure, this is no longer the case.
The flashing can be stopped by turning the rotary switch (item 2).
Green "pumps operational" diode (item 7) : signals that at least one
pump is in operation.
Red "pump fault" diode (item 8) : signals that a fault has been signal-
led by at least one pump.
4.2.2 Menu structure (See FIG. 3)
The complete menu structure includes the following :
- Basic dispay,
- Menu 1 - Pumps' operational modes,
- Menu 2 - Regulator settings,
- Extended menu (can be selected).
Basic display indicates the installation's instantaneous pressure. In
addition, the symbol O / O indicates that operation with a back-up
pump has been selected. If this symbol is flashing, it means that no
back-up pump is available (e.g. because of a fault with the pump).
• A brief touch on the red rotary switch (less than two seconds)
causes the basic display to appear in the pump operating modes
menu. In this menu, select the desired pump (P1, P2, P3, P4) by tur-
ning the rotary switch. The display justshows the number of pumps set
with the aid of the microcontroller board DIP switches (See § 4.2.3).
Once the desired pump is displayed, confirm your selection by brie-
fly pressing the rotary switch. This displays the pump's present opera-
ting mode :
Automatic mode (the speed of the pump
and starting/stopping it are controlled by
the controller).
Manual mode (pump's maximum speed).
Stop (pump idle).


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