Before You Start; General Advice - Mac allister 3663602773917 Manual Del Usuario

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Safety & Operation
Sicherheit und Betrieb
Seguridad y funcionamiento
Locking devices shall be checked and be fully secured before use.
Les dispositifs de verrouillage doivent être vérifiés et être entièrement sécurisés avant toute utilisation.
Jeśli urządzenia blokujące nie są obsługiwane automatycznie, przed użyciem należy je sprawdzić i w pełni
zabezpieczyć. Konstrukcja i położenie urządzenia blokującego mogą różnić się od prezentowanych na zdjęciu.
Die Verriegelungsvorrichtungen müssen überprüft und vollständig gesichert sein, wenn Sie nicht automatisch
betätigt werden. Konstruktion und Position der Verriegelungsvorrichtung können von diesem Bild abweichen.
Перед использованием необходимо осмотреть устройства блокировки положения и задействовать их,
если они не задействуются автоматически. Конструкция и расположение устройства блокировки могут
отличаться от показанных на изображении.
Dispozitivele de blocare trebuie verificate şi fixate complet înainte de utilizare, dacă nu sunt acţionate automat.
Modelul şi poziţia dispozitivului de blocare pot fi diferite de această imagine.
Los dispositivos de bloqueo se deben comprobar y fijar completamente antes de su uso en el caso de que no
tengan un funcionamiento automático. El diseño y la posición del dispositivo de bloqueo pueden diferir de lo que
se muestra en esta imagen.
Os dispositivos de bloqueio devem ser verificados e estar totalmente seguros antes de usar, caso não
sejam operados automaticamente. O design e a posição do dispositivo de bloqueio podem ser diferentes
desta imagem.
Kilitleme mekanizmaları kontrol edilmeli ve otomatik olarak çalışmıyorsa kullanımdan önce tamamen
sabitlenmelidir. Kilitleme mekanizmasının tasarımı ve konumu bu görselden farklı olabilir.
Use EN

Before you start

Regular inspection before use
• Check that the stiles/legs (uprights) are not bent, bowed, twisted, dented, cracked, corroded or rotten.
• Check that the stiles/legs around the fixing points for other components are in good condition.
• Check that fixings (usually rivets, screws or bolts) are not missing, loose, or corroded.
• Check that rungs/steps are not missing, loose, excessively worn, corroded or damaged.
• Check that the hinges between front and rear sections are not damaged, loose or corroded.
• Check that the locking stays horizontal, back rails and corner braces are not missing, bent, loose, corroded or damaged.
• Check that the rung hooks are not missing, damaged, loose or corroded and engage properly on the rungs.
• Check that guide brackets are not missing, damaged, loose or corroded and engage properly on the mating stile.
• Check that ladder feet / end caps are not missing, loose, excessively worn, corroded or damaged.
• Check that the entire ladder is free from contaminants (e.g. dirt, mud, paint, oil or grease).
• Check that the locking catches (if fitted) are not damaged or corroded and function correctly .
• Check that the platform (if fitted) has no missing parts or fixings and is not damaged or corroded. If any of the above checks cannot
be fully satisfied, you should NOT use the ladder.

General Advice

• Do not spend long periods on a ladder without regular breaks (tiredness is a risk).
• Prevent damage of the ladder when transporting e.g. by fastening and, ensure they are suitably placed to prevent damage.
• Ensure the ladder is suitable for the task.
Sécurité et utilisation
Техника безопасности и эксплуатация
Segurança e Funcionamento
Bezpieczeństwo i użytkowanie
Siguranţă şi operare
Güvenlik ve Kullanım


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