17.7 The horn
The Horn button is located above the Power button. Press the Horn but-ton
to sound the horn. The horn will sound for as long as the Horn button is
17.8 The battery gauge
The battery gauge comprises five different LEDs (1 x RED, 2 x AMBER,
2 x GREEN), situated above the Remote's Horn button. The number of
LEDs lit depends on the status of the battery, as shown below.
The battery gauge LEDs are also used to display charging information.
17.9 Normal operation
Indicatore della batteria
17.10 High voltage warning
A high voltage warning is indicated by all LEDs on, and the green LEDs
flashing. This occurs when the battery voltage level has risen above the
high voltage warning set-point.
17.11 Low voltage warning
A low voltage warning is indicated with the left-most LED flashing. This
occurs when the battery voltage level has decreased below its low voltage
warning set-point.
Charge the battery immediately.
17.12 Cut-off voltage
When the battery voltage decreases below the battery cut-off voltage:
- the first (red) LED will flash on the battery gauge
- the status indicator (under the power button) will display a flash code 2
or 7
- the horn will sound once every 10 seconds
Livello batteria
This level is set by the Batt Gauge Maxi-
Fully charged
mum parameter.
charging battery
Battery needs
This level is set by the Batt Gauge Minimum
Battery Gauge