Tweezers tip orientation: Tick removal tweezers are an instrument that facilitates the tick
removal from the skin. The design of the Kirchner & Wilhelm tweezers allows the tweezers tips
to be easily adjusted, giving each user the ability to adjust the tweezers to their individual ap-
plication technique. This diff erence in the position of the tweezer tips is especially useful when
the tweezers are applied at a slight angle to the skin
shorter grip tip
Before the start of the tick removal, one side of the tweezers is brought under the tick. At the
same time, it is more convenient to use the instrument if the tips are slightly displaced relative
to each other. If the tick can only be grasped from above, there is no need for displacement.
Please note that the tip position of Kirchner & Wilhelm tweezers can be freely adjusted. Indivi-
dual adjustment shall be carried out with conventional tongs.
2 mm
up to 2 mm, individually adjustable
2 mm
longer hooking tip