TIP: When using different screws to secure the mounting plate to a different type of ceiling, please do
not install the mounting plate on a type of ceiling that is unable to support the weight of about
60kg, to prevent potential danger. After securing the mounting plate, make sure the ceiling is able
to support 60 kg.
3. Connect the power wires to the terminal block on the motor bracket.
4. Installing the rod
a) Remove the screws and the ground cable from the extension rod with joint and remove the joint.
b) Remove the pin from the extension rod by removing the R clamp. Select the extension rod
that you want to install (15 cm or 25 cm). Loosen the two screws on the motor (Figure 1). Pull
the motor's feed wire through the extension rod. Then insert the extension rod into the fan
body and rotate the extension rod until the holes on the extension rod are aligned with the
holes on the fan. Finally, push the pin through the holes and secure the pin with the R clip
on the other side (Figure 2).
c) Tighten both screws on the motor (Figure 3).
d) Fit the clutch cover and mount cover onto the rod as shown.
e) Put the joint (including the pin) and the ground cable back on the rod.
Hang the fan on the mounting plate, then slowly rotate the extension rod so that the tabs
on the mounting plate fit into the groove of the hinge on the extension rod.