The HYDEAL II knee joint comes adjusted for medium walking pace
(knobs E and F in medium position and assist cylinder R screwed home
unless three turns).
To adapt the initial adjustments to the patient's walking pace, adjust
knobs E and F using the hex wrench delivered with the knee. We recom-
mend you to make the adjustments in the following order :
>> screw on knob F to decrease flexion angle, or screw
out knob F to increase flexion angle (adjustment range : from one turn
on to one turn out)
2: EXTENSION >> Screw on knob
of extension (Adjustment range : from one turn on to one turn out)
3: EXTENSION ASSIST: If the optimal adjustment of the patient's wal-
king pace cannot be reached >> use assist cylinder
strength of the extension assist : screw on to increase the strength of the
assist (quicker return) and screw out to decrease the strength of the
assist (slower return).
When all the adjustments are finalized, check that the knee can reach full extension with low walking speeds (risk of falling).
This hydraulic knee is designed mainly to control swing phase. For example the knee may be damaged if the hydraulic system
bears the body weight when resistance is adjusted at a high level during flexion.
In full flexion, socket E should never
touch linkages A and B. The socket
should bear on extension limit J in
order to protect the knee.
Check at least once a year the knee functions and make the necessary maintenance operations if needed.
Spare parts :
- extension limit : EE015 (x1)
- maximal flexion limit : EY001 (x1) >> self-adhésive
In order not to damage the knee, do not use talcum powder to eliminate possible noises due to cosmetic cover friction, but a silicon
spray . Talcum powder damages the mechanical parts, which may lead to function defects and risk of falling for the patient.
The application of talcum powder will render all claims against PROTEOR null and void..
Except from knobs E and F (Fig. 3) and tightening screws V1 and V2 (Fig. 1b) of the Ø34 tube, screwing on or loosening any other
screws of the knee is strictly forbidden.
Never grease the knee roll bearings because this could damage them very soon.
This product includes items made of various materials : elastomers, plastics, aluminum, steel and brass. It also contains oil.
They must be recycled in compliance with the laws in force.
to decrease the impact at the end
>> to be sticked with XC051 Proteor adhesive
to modify the
Fig. 4
Fig. 3