Now that the screen is in its final pla-
ce on the brackets, connect the power
supply to the screen and extend com-
pletely. Now check the angle between
the screen and your wall and use the
Allen key to adjust the adjustment
screws on the two L-brackets until the
fabric is perfectly straight and parallel
to the wall. You can adjust the brackets
up to +/- 1.5° (fig.2).
This completes the basic installation of
your screen. Finally check again that all
the parts are tightened firmly (hand-
tight, no cordless screwdrivers!) and
that the screen is securely in place and
that the brackets are holding tightly to
your supporting structure.
Loosen the four screws to remove the
mounting plate (b) (This mounting
plate may not be used depending on
the installation method).
Fig. 3