Step 7:
underneath the Grill Body bottom. Making sure that the Brackets on the Catch Pan rest on top
of Slider Brackets. Slid the Catch Pan all the way till you can hang the Catch Pan side bracket
onto the Stopper Bracket.
Catch Pan
Step 8:
the Side Burner Body Assembly that connect with the Control Panel on the floor and attach the
Control Pane to the front of the Grill Body with four 1/2" Hex Bolts and four Lock Washers (two
Hex Bolts and two Lock Washers on each side). Then attach the Side Burner Body Assembly on
the side of the Gas Grill Body.
Install the Catch Pan onto the bottom of the Gas Grill Body by sliding the Catch Pan
Gas Grill Body
Stopper Bracket
Install Side Burner Body/Control Panel Assembly onto the Gas Grill Body. Lay down
Hex Bolts
Gas Grill Body
Control Panel
Slider Bracket
Side Burner Body
Lock Washers
Hex Bolts