Charging the TheraFace PRO
• The TheraFacePRO is USB-C enabled with the connector at the bottom of the
• The TheraFace PRO includesa USB-C to USB-A cable.
• You can plug the device into any standard USB adapter.
• The TheraFace PRO allows for fast-charging if charged with a USB-C adapter.
Make sure the charger is from a certified manufacturer and it hasn't suffered any
structural damage. The TheraFace PRO device will not work while charging.
TheraFace PRO Warnings and Guidance
(Precautions and Contraindications)
This device is intended to be used on the face, neck, and upper chest regions of
the body. If you have any specific medical conditions or concerns,please consult
your physician before using this product. There will be times when it is advisable
to modify how devices are used (precautions) or times when it is not appropriate to
use certain devices (contraindications). The following document highlights these
for each modality or treatment attachment included with the TheraFace PRO
device as of the date of printing. For up-to-date information, please visit us online.
Important Safety Information
General TheraFace PRO Use
Read the full Warnings and Guidance priorto usingthe TheraFace PRO.
This device is contraindicated against and should not be used by or on anyone with a history
of epilepsy, seizures or cardiopathy. The TheraFace PRO is not recommended for anyone
with an electronic implanted device (such as a pacemaker), cardiac arrhythmia, tumors, or
acute episodes of inflammatory diseases.The device is not recommended for those who have
arteriosclerosis, thromboses or implants in the body region being treated. Dental implants
should be firmlyanchored before using the device.Do not use the device on the eyes, eyelids,
or the area immediately surrounding the eye (Periorbita area). The device should not be used
if you have dark brown or black spots, such as large freckles, birthmarks, moles or warts, on the
area to be treated. The device is not recommended if you have eczema, psoriasis, lesions, open
wounds or active infections other than mild to moderate acne, such as cold sores, in the area to
be treated.Wait for the infected area to heal before using the device. The device should not be
used if you have abnormal skin conditions caused by diabetes or other systemicor metabolic
diseases. It is not recommended to use this device if you have a history of herpes outbreaks
in the area of treatment,unless you have consulted with your physician and have received
preventive treatment before using the device. Please consult your physician prior to use if you
are pregnant and/or nursing.
Please consult yourphysicianprior touse if you are pregnant and/or nursing.
Immediately stop using the device at the first sign of discomfort.
The device is not recommended for anyone under the age of 18 without adult supervision
and should be kept out of reach of children. If you have any medical concerns, are taking
any medications that cause light sensitivity, or have had any facial surgery or other surgical
procedures, please consult your doctor before using the device.