Owner's manual
You can search for and download content directly
to your phone, or browse Store content on your
computer and send links from there to your phone by
text message.
Using services or downloading content may cause
the transfer of large amounts of data, which may
result in data costs.
Download an app, game, or other item
You can download free apps, games, or other stuff,
or buy more content for your phone.
1. Tap Store.
2. Tap an item to view its details.
3. If the item has a price, tap buy, or to try the item
for free for a limited time, tap try. If the item is free,
tap install.
4. If you're not signed in to your Microsoft account,
sign in now.
5. Follow the instructions shown on your phone.
When the download is complete, you can open
or view the item, or continue browsing for more
content. The content type determines where the item
is stored in your phone: music can be found in the
Music hub, videos can be found in the Video hub,
games can be found in the Games hub, and apps
can be found in the apps menu.
3.18 Office
Microsoft Office Mobile
You can work through Microsoft Office Mobile when
you away from your office.
Go to the Office hub to create and edit Word docu-
ments and Excel workbooks.