The equipment must be destined only to the use for that have been expressly designed. Any
other use is to be considered improper and dangerous. The manufacturer can not be considered
responsible for possible damages due to improper, wrong and unreasonable uses.
It is dangerous to modify or try modifying the characteristic of the equipment.
Before effect any operation of cleaning or maintenance, disconnect the apparatus from the
electric net, either unplugging it from the mains or switching off the mains switch of the plant.
In case failure and/or bad operation of equipment switch off it. For the possible reparation
address only to an authorised service centre and ask for the use of original spare parts. The lack
to follow the above requirements could risk the safety of the equipment and can be dangerous
for the user.
Do not reduce or disable the audible signal warning the activation of the generator. A
functioning activation signal can minimise or prevent patient or staff injury in the event of
accidental activation.
Avoid verifying the functioning of the unit by shorting the active electrode with the reference
one or the active electrode with metallic parts.
WARNING: When the electrosurgical unit is used in operating rooms it is necessary to just use
waterproof foot-switches (REF 00302.00 Water-proof pedal with single switch).
The equipment must be transported and stored in the following environmental conditions:
Manuale d'Istruzioni / Instruction's Manual / Manual de Instrucciones
Temperature: from -10°C to +50°C
Relative moisture: from 10% to 95%
Pressure: from 50 kPa to106 kPa