Service TelephoneNumbers.
GEAnswer Cente¢ _ intheU.S.: 800-626-2000
Tile (,E Ans_e_ (_ente_ is open 24 holn s a day, / days a week.
In Canada, contact: Manager, Consumer Relations, ( ;:ltlico
I,alle, Suite 31 O,
N.B., El(; 9M3.
Visit our Website at:
In-HomeRepairServiceintheU.S.: 800-432-2737
Expert (;E repair se_,i(e is only a phone (all away.
In Canada, (:all toll flee 1-866-777-7627.
SpecialNeedsServiceintheU.S.: 800-626-2000
GE offers, tiee of charge, a brochure to assist in planning a bmrier-flee kitchen ti)r persons _dth limited mobility.
In the U.S.,call 800-TDD-GEAC (800-833-4322).
In Canada, c ontact:
Manager, Consumer Relations, Cmn(o Inc., 1 Facto U I.ane, Suite 310, Mon(ton, N.B., E1C 9M3.
Service ContractsintheU.S.: 800-626-2224
l ur( hase a (,E sexual( e {ontra(t while your warranty Is sull m efle(t and you ll re(ewe a substanual dis( ount.
(iE Consumer Se_4ce will still be there atier your warranty expires.
In Canada, c all 1-800-461-3636.
PartsandAccessories/n the U.S.: 800-626-2002
Individuals qualified to se_x-i(e their ()_1_appliances can have parts or accessories sent (fire(tly to their homes
(VISA, MasterCard and Discover cmds me accepted).
Instructions containedin thismanualcoverprocedures tobeperformedbyanyuser.Otherservicing generallyshouldbe
referredto qualifiedservicepersonnel.Caution mustbe exercised,sinceimproper servicingmay causeunsafeoperation.
In Canada, p leaseconsultyouryellowpagesfor yourlocal Camconumber.
If you are not satisfied with the se_-i(e y()u receive flom GE:
First,contact the people who se_wiced y()ur appliance.
Next, if you me still not pleased, in the U.S.,x_ite all the det:fils-including
your phone number-to:
Manager, Customer Relations, GE Appliances, Appliance Prok, Louisville, KY 40225; or,
in Canada, to Director, Consumer Relations, Camco Inc., 1 Facto U I _ane, Suite 310, Men(ton, N.B., E1C 9M3.
Printed in the United States