Hooray! You are now the proud owner of a Diana Mini – our favorite little analogue
princess! Take a moment to run through these instructions to make sure you get
the best out of this brilliant box of magic and fabulous flash.
Choosing Your Film
The Diana Mini will take any type of standard 35 mm film, from black and white to
color negative and slide film. There are different "speeds" of film known as fast and
slow, this is defined by an ISO number. The most common are ISO 50, ISO 100, ISO
200, ISO 400, ISO 800, ISO 1600 and ISO 3200. On a sunny day, slow films such as
ISO 100 and ISO 200 are good for the Diana Mini. On a grey day, fast films such as
ISO 400 or ISO 800 would work best.
Choosing Your Format
The Diana Mini can shoot two different frame formats – rectangular 'half-frame'
format (which is 17 × 24 mm) and square format (which is 24 × 24 mm). Half-frame
will produce 72 shots on a single roll of 35 mm film while the square format will
produce a standard 36 shots. When shooting half-frames, the rectangular frame
takes a portrait shot when the camera is held normally. If you want to take a land-
scape shot when shooting half-frame, then just turn the camera 90 degrees.