Release date
been adapted
The presentation of the data in the data analysis and
the reports have been aligned
The presentation of deregistered WiFI data loggers
on the dashboard has been completed
The number of time zones has been fundamentally
The number of the max. available SMS alarms was
stated per month, not per year. This error has been rectified
The status of the still active alarms is better
presented on the dashboard
The error that in some cases the data was not fully
shown in the table view, has been rectified
The error that in individual cases not all alarms were
shown in the alarm list, has been rectified
The error that a WiFi data logger retained its alarm
setting after being deregistered and reregistered, has been
The error that a WiFi data logger sometimes still had
alarm settings stored after a hardware reset, has been rectified
The error that the set user language was not taken
into account in the setting of the communication rate, has been
The error that the change of the user role was not
always taken over, has been rectified
The error that during registration the previously
selected country can no longer be changed after selecting the
language, has been rectified
The error that the e-mail address for a deleted user
can no longer be used, has been rectified
The error that licence information was sometimes
displayed incorrectly in the Quick Start Guide, has been rectified
The error that for the dew point and absolute
humidity channels the alarm did not function, has been rectified
The error that when measuring in °F the e-mail and
SMS alarms were always shown in °C, has been rectified
The error that the measurement locations could not
removed from existing alarm settings, has been rectified
The category "User groups" has been removed
The colour design on the web presentation is now
With immediate effect, the dash board displays only
active alarms
Browser compatibility problems in the presentation of
the dashboard have been corrected
In a CSV report, tables and alarms cannot be
integrated simultaneously, although this combination was
selectable in the software interface. This error has been rectified
Decimal points and commas are supported for alarm
limit value input
Limit values can be entered in °F or °C in alarm
A maintenance page is shown when maintenance