1. Description
The HP80KV was designed to perform dielectric strength tests with high
voltages (up to 80,000 V) while verifying the occurrence of electrical
insulation ruptures. Its project was developed with the primary objective of
safeguarding the operators' safety. This hipot makes possible the
realization of automated tests, LEDs that inform the beginning of the
tests, Emergency Stop button on the controller unit and a Generation
Lock button on the high voltage unit, buzzer alarm indicating the start and
the performance of the test, and can be remotely controlled through an
Android device (device not included).
Dielectric strength tests are aimed at verifying the quality of electrical
insulation through the application of high voltage and are mandatory for
many industry sectors such as wire and cable production sector, heavy
machinery and engines, mining industry, power distributors and all areas
involving electrical power systems.
The USB interface allows the communication of the equipment with a PC
to transmit the data previously saved. A software analyzes the results and
presents them through graphs and tables, automatically generating
reports of the tests performed. Due to its constructive characteristics, this
instrument is robust, with excellent performance in the field, in strict
environmental conditions, typical of tropical regions with extreme
temperatures and humidity.