You may now remove the film for development and insert a new film cassette
to continue your 110 journey.
NOTE: Please do not force the camera if it does not close fully the first time. Instead, slide
it open again and back toward the closed position to continue shooting.
Precise Focusing:
After becoming familiar with the Lomomatic 110, you may want to try a more hands-
on approach to configuring your photos:
The Lomomatic has 4 focusing zones (0.8 m, 1.5 m, 3 m, inf.), which deliver
the best quality images at the distance you've set. You can change the
focusing distance using the [11] Zone Focus Slider.
For example, if you are taking a portrait and your subject is around 1.5 m away,
by setting the [11] Zone Focus Slider to 1.5 m, you will get the sharpest photo