Q: I finished my roll and don't know how to rewind the film!
A: No worries, 110 film doesn't require rewinding at the end roll, you can simply take out
the film for development.
Q: Is it possible to swap film cassettes before I have finished a film?
A: One of the benefits of 110 film is that you can do just that! You will sacrifice one frame,
but the rest of the film is tucked safely away in the canister so feel free to swap cassettes
when you like.
Q: I got my film back but many of the photos are very dark.
A: The Lomomatic 110 has controllable ISO, aperture and shutter settings. Ensure you are
using the optimal settings for the environment you are in and consider using Bulb mode or
add the flash at night/in low-light situations.
Q: I don't know where to get my 110 film developed.
A: Some labs do not advertise 110 development but are able to do so on request. If they are
not able to develop 110 film you can always send your films to our LomoLab where our friendly technicians are happy to help!