Sección 1 — Generalidades
Section 1 — General
Section 1 — General
1.1 Introducción
1.1 Introduction
1.1 Introduction
El HAWK 1000 de Cleaver-Brooks es un sistema exclusivo de gestión y control de calderas diseñado
The Cleaver-Brooks HAWK 1000 is an exclusive Boiler Management and Control system specifically designed
The Cleaver-Brooks HAWK 1000 is an exclusive Boiler Management and Control system specifically designed
específicamente para integrar las funciones de un controlador programable de calderas y un controlador de
to integrate the functions of a Programmable Boiler Controller and Burner Management Controller, as well as
to integrate the functions of a Programmable Boiler Controller and Burner Management Controller, as well as
gestión de quemadores, así como otros controles auxiliares y de funcionamiento de calderas. El sistema HAWK
other boiler operating and ancillary controls. The HAWK 1000 system incorporates a user-friendly, graphical
other boiler operating and ancillary controls. The HAWK 1000 system incorporates a user-friendly, graphical
1000 incorpora una interfaz hombre-máquina (IHM) gráfica y de fácil manejo que muestra los parámetros
Human Machine Interface (HMI) that displays boiler parameters, fault annunciation and alarm history, as well
Human Machine Interface (HMI) that displays boiler parameters, fault annunciation and alarm history, as well
de la caldera, los avisos de fallas y el historial de alarmas, además de proporcionar acceso a las funciones de
as providing access to boiler configuration and control functions.
as providing access to boiler configuration and control functions.
configuración y control de la caldera.
Figura 1-1. Pantalla general de la caldera
Figure 1-1. Boiler Overview Screen
Figure 1-1. Boiler Overview Screen
Figure 1-2. Typical Panel Layout
Figure 1-2. Typical Panel Layout
Figura 1-2. Disposición típica del panel
Hawk 1000
Hawk 1000
Hawk 1000
Nro. de pieza 750-366
Part No. 750-366
Part No. 750-366