2. Select or enter the make of your vehicle.
Note: A demonstration mode (DEMO option on the Make list)
is provided to help you become familiar with the Diagnostics
3. Select Automatic / Manual to identify the vehicle.
Manually enter the VIN or tap Read to acquire the VIN, then tap
Confirm. ArtiDiag will automatically decode the VIN to identify the
Manually select the vehicle information to identify the vehicle.
A system menu will display after the vehicle is identified.
Note: Systems may vary by vehicle make, model and year.
Auto Scan
Auto Scan detects the systems supported by the vehicle and
retrieves DTCs for these systems, providing a complete health check
of your vehicle. Performing Auto Scan before and after a repair
could help in troubleshooting and validating repairs. Pre and post
scan reports allow you to record the condition of the vehicle before
and after repair for comparison.
To perform an Auto Scan, tap the Auto Scan button at the bottom
Figure 4-4