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oHd A essoFies
Remove aJJpacking rnateriaJs_This indudes the foam base and aJJadhesive
tape holding the accessories both inside and outside. Slide out and remove the
plastic or foam guard used to secure the compressor during shipping.
hspect and remove any remaining packaging, tape or printed materials before
turning on the beer dispensen
N@te: Allow the beer dispenser to stand in an upright position for 2 hours before
turning on the powen
Check all supplied accessories in the carton to be sure that all pieces are present
and in good condition. A checklist of accessories is listed bdow for your reference.
Hfyou find any accessories that are not in good condition or are missing, please
contact our customer service department for assistance. Our ToH-J:ree number
is J-877-337-3639.
1 Beer Tap HncJuding:
1 Gasket for the Beer Tap
1 VV'asherfor Connection to the Keg Coupler
1 C02 Regulator
1 C02 Cylinder
1 Keg Coupler
1 Cleaning Kit
1 COz Air Line
2 Hose Clamps
1 C02 Cylinder Retainer
1 GuardraiJ
1 Drip Tray
4 Casters
1 Wrench
4 Large Phillips-Head Screws
8 Small Phillips-Head Screws
2 Retainer Fixing Screws
2 Wire Shelves
4 Support Pins