en legislación española de carácter imperativo.
A los efectos de determinación de la Jurisdicción aplicable se deja
constancia que el lugar de cumplimiento de la obligación que deriva
del contrato de compraventa es el territorio español y ello sin perjuicio
de cualquier derecho que el Cliente pueda tener en su condición de
consumidor y consumidor final.
SUAVINEX GROUP, S.L. | B03074093 | Pol. Ind. Las Atalayas s/n c/ del
Rublo PP R83-94 | 03114 Alicante (España)
EN: Terms and conditions of the Guarantee
SUAVINEX guarantees the original purchaser that its original products will
not present manufacturing flaws or defective materials with regular use for
a period of 3 years from the date of purchase of the product, for which the
invoice or sales receipt must be kept as proof of purchase.
To make a claim under the GUARANTEE, the consumer must report a faulty
product within two months of becoming aware of the defect.
To make a claim under the GUARANTEE it is also necessary to submit this
certificate to SUAVINEX, together with the proof of purchase (invoice, sales
receipt), which must include the retailer's identity, the delivery date, details
of the product and the retail price of the product.
For this GUARANTEE to be fully valid:
- The product covered by the GUARANTEE must be original and used for
domestic use rather than for professional, commercial and/or business
- The installation and connection of the equipment to the mains electricity,
water and gas supply must be performed as instructed in the instructions
for use and installation of the equipment.
- Use of the appliance and periodic maintenance operations must been
performed as instructed in the instructions for use and maintenance.
- All interventions or repairs must be carried out by Suavinex personnel
using original parts only. The same criteria shall apply to accessories and
consumables whose use may affect the features of the electrical appliance.
Making claims under the Guarantee
In the event of a product defect attributable to actions or omissions by the
manufacturer during the GUARANTEE period, the consumer will be entitled
to have the faulty product repaired or replaced without charge, unless the
chosen option is objectively impossible or disproportionate.
Unless it can be proved otherwise, it shall be presumed that faults reported
within the 2 years following delivery of the product already existed before
the product was delivered, except when this presumption is incompatible
with the nature of the product or the type of fault. During the following year
for which the Guarantee is valid, it must be the consumer who proves the
existence of the product defect and its existence at the time of delivery.
Once the consumer has made the claim, SUAVINEX will facilitate the repair