Time and date
Time and date should be correct specially when using functions like Chrono. To set the time
and date enter the advanced functions menu (pressing the P3 and P4 buttons simultaneously),
navigate to the submenu Watch (oroL) (pressing P2 or P4 buttons) and enter the values pressing
the P3 button.
The top display will show the time and the bottom display the day of the week.
To change the hour press the P3 button, the hour value will blink and it can be adjusted pressing
the P2 button (to increase) or the P4 button (to decrease). Pressing the P3 button saves the
value and moves to the next parameter, the minutes. Use the same process to set the minutes,
P2 button (to increase) or P4 button (to decrease) and save by pressing the P3 button. Next
parameter is the week day, use the same process, P2 or P4 button to cycle through the week
days and the P3 button to save.
Chrono function (Cron)
To turn the stove on or off automatically by a schedule, the Chrono option should be used.
This option allows the user to choose from 3 different modes of use: Daily, Weekly or Weekly
+ Weekend.
In each mode 3 time periods can be set for great flexibility of adjusting the time table desired.
More than 2 periods of time each day is not recommendable.
To access the Chrono function, enter the advanced functions menu (pressing the P3 and P4
buttons simultaneously), navigate to the submenu (Cron) (pressing the P2 or P4 button) and
enter pressing the P3 button. The first parameter is:
Pressing the P3 button will display the current parameter, if you press the P3 button again the
current value will flash (it will be edited) and you can select which automatic mode you want
for your stove.
OFF: Chrono mode off.
Daily (Gior): Every day of the week can be scheduled independently (Monday through Sunday).
Weekly (SEtt): All day from Monday to Sunday with the same time period.
Weekly + Weekend (FiSE): It allows a configuration from Monday to Friday (MF) and another
from Saturday to Sunday (SS).
Press the P2 or P4 buttons to set the desired mode, then press the P3 button to save the
selected mode. Press the P1 button to go back and display the "Mode" parameter. You must
then set the time interval to the desired automatic mode.
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