You can program 8 Direct (M1-M7 and VIP) (number: max 20 digits, name: max. 13 characters).
7.1. Use of the alphanumerical keypad
Use the alphanumerical keypad to enter text. To select a letter, press the corresponding button. For ex. if you press
numerical button '5', the first character (J) will be shown on the display. Press multiple times if you want to select
another character under this button.
Press button '2' twice to select the letter 'B'. If you want to select 'A' as well as 'B', press
button '2' once to select 'A', wait for 2 seconds until the cursor has moved to the next location and press then button '2'
twice to select 'B'.
Wrongly entered characters can be erased by pressing the Erase button
Scroll switch . The character in front of the cursor will be erased.
Available Characters
Press these buttons to get the following characters:
[1] Space 1 . ; ? ! : - " ' ( )
[2] A B C 2
[3] D E F 3
[4] G H I 4
[5] J K L 5
[6] M N O 6
7.2 Programming Direct memory numbers
Press the Program button
Enter the desired telephone number
Press the Program button
Enter the desired name.
Press the Program button
Press the desired Direct Memory button (M1-M7 or VIP)
Press the Program button
Use the same instruction to change the Direct Memory number.
7.3 Saving a number from the Call List as a Direct Memory number
Select the call you wish to erase with the Up
Press the Program button
Press the desired Direct Memory button (M1-M7 or VIP)
Press the Program button
7.4 Calling a Direct /Indirect Memory number
Press the desired Direct Memory button (M1-M7 or VIP)
Pick up the handset and the number will be dialled automatically.
7.5 Erasing a number or name from the Direct/Indirect Memory
Press the desired Direct Memory button (M1-M7 or VIP)
Press the Erase button
Press the Erase button
in standby mode.
to confirm.
to confirm.
to confirm.
or Down
to confirm.
to confirm.
once. "CLEAR?" appears on the display.
once again to confirm
. You can move the cursor by using the
[7] P Q R S 7
[8] T U V 8
[9] W X Y Z 9
[0] 0 & / $ % £
[*] *
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