SOCKET WELDER P63-S6 Thermostatic Model
The thermostat-controlled model has 6 position for the regulator knob:
0 Off
6 Working position
SOCKET WELDER P63-S6 Electronic Model
The SOCKET WELDER P63-S6 Electronic Model has a temperature
scale marked from 200 ° C to 300 ° C:
260 ° C - 280 ° C - Working position
Wait until the socket welding device reaches its working temperature.
SOCKET WELDER P63-S6 Thermostatic Model
When the socket welding device has reached its optimum working temperature, the green tem-
perature-control LED will light. Welding can now start. The temperature control LED will turn on
and off as the thermostat operates.
SOCKET WELDER P63-S6 Electronic Model
When the socket welding device has reached its optimum working tem-
perature, the green temperature-control LED will start to blink.
The time required to reach working temperature is approximately 5 to 7 min.
Precaution: The parts of the equipment can reach temperatures between 100 and 300
° C. Never handle the heating plate while the unit is hot. Never attach or remove adapters
while the heating plate is hot. Only handle items that could be hot when it is safe to do
NOTE: The socket welder is equipped with two safety thermostats which disconnect the
unit if the temperature reaches 330 ºC and reconnects it when the temperature has fallen
to 265 ºC.
The welding process
This consists of four steps: heating, assembly, setting and cooling.
Using light pressure, insert the tube and the accessory simultane-
ously onto the corresponding adapters (tube in the female adapter,
accessory on the male adapter).
Maintain the tube and the accessory on the adapters during the
time indicated under HEATING TIME in table 2.