Delete archive Memory: When the LCD is approaching 999 surge events (or at any selected time),
the user has the option to save the surge information to any memory storage media.
Instructions for downloading and saving the surge information via the RS232 port are as follows:
Connect a standard RS232 cable from the RS232 port (located on the bottom of the diagnostic panel,
which is attached to the inside of the outer door) to the RS232 connector on your computer. Then
perform the following steps:
noTE: The download will be accomplished uses the program "Hyperterminal" that comes standard on
any Windows operative system (95 version or higher).
1. Click the "Start" icon
2. Click the "Run" option
3. Delete all the words that appear in the "Open" field.
4. Type Hypertrm.exe in the "Open" field and hit "Enter" (or click OK).
noTE: If the hyperterminal application does not run, the user will need to search for the file
Hypertrm.exe in hard disk drive using the "Find" tool from Windows.
5. A window labeled "Connection description" will pop-up, type any name in the "Name" field and hit
"Enter" (or click OK). This initiates the connection process.
6. A window labeled "Connect to" (or "Phone Number") will pop-up. In the "Connect using:" field, use
the pull-down menu to select which computer serial port will be used (for example COM1, COM2,
7. A window labeled "COM properties" will pop-up. In the "Bits per second" field choose 9600 and in
the "Flow control" field choose "None". Verify that the "Data bits" field indicates "8" and the "Parity"
field indicates "None".
Hit "Enter" or click OK.
8. Click on tool bar menu "Transfer", then click on the "Capture text" option.
9. A window labeled "Capture text" will pop-up. In the "File" field, type the path where the resulting
download file will be stored, including the file name with a csv extension;
For example: C:WINDOWS\Desktop\filename.csv. Click on "start".
10. Type the letter R (capital).
11. The panel will begin to download the surge archive from the RAM memory. The CRT display
format of the information is similar to the following (some spaces may be omitted and commas
added on the display, but will be formatted as below when the file is opened in Microsoft Excel).
12. When the download ends, click on the sub-menu "Transfer", select on the "Capture text" option
and then click on the "Stop" option.
13. Click on "File" and then "Exit". A "HyperTerminal" window will appear asking if you want to discon-
nect. Select "Yes". A window may appear asking if you want to save the file. If so, select NO; the
file is already saved.
14. The download is now complete. To view the information, just open the .csv file created in step 9,
above, from Microsoft Excel (change the "Files of type" field to "Text" file).
15. Save file by clicking on "File", then "Save As". Select the file type as a "Microsoft Excel Workbook
(.xls)" and save it.
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