Adjust Sweep Hose to Fit Pool Depth
1. Measure the deepest part of the pool.
Add t wo f eet t o t his m easurement t o d etermine
the correct length for the
sweep hose.
2. If the sweep hose is longer than
the measured amount, cut off the
excess hose.
3. Remove the hose connector from the excess
hose piece just cut.
4. Use f ingers t o c ollapse s weep h ose. P ush h ose
into connector until the first groove is inside.
5. Slide f ingers i nside h ose, t hrough c onnector,
and pop hose back to
original shape.
Adjust Float Hose to Fit Pool
With f loat h ose a ttached t o t he p ool w all a t t he r eturn l ine, e xtend t he h ose t o t he f arthest p oint o f t he p ool. T he
end of the hose should be 4 feet shorter than this point.
Hose too long? Cut the excess float hose. Remove the hose connector from the excess hose piece and
attach it to the new end of the float hose as instructed above.
Hose too short? For Polaris 165/Super Turtle only, add the float hose extension between the
existing float hose section and the surface module. Remeasure and adjust as necessary.
1. Open t he f rame o f f ilter b ag c ompletely a nd a ttach i t t o j et s weep a ssembly. A ttach a ssembly t o s weep
2. Attach float hose and sweep hose to the surface module.
3. Put the Polaris in the pool and turn on the pool filtration pump.
4. Extend the float hose to the farthest point in the pool. When the pool pump is running, the surface
module should be approximately one foot from the pool wall.
Return line
Return line
Collapse Here
to Here
4 Feet
4 feet