Before use check that the equipment packaging is unbroken (vacuum packaged). A
previously used and non-resealed rEsq dd™ should not be used without having been
This is checked by:
- Inspecting the seal on one of the locks on the red box.
- Inspecting that the vacuum bag (optional extra when ordering) is intact and
It is the responsibility of the health & safety coordinator for each individual workplace
that is equipped with rEsq dd™, to perform continual inspections to ensure that the
seal on the red box has not been broken. After the equipment has been used it must
always be inspected, and if necessary renovated and re-sealed by a CRESTO-approved
The equipment must also be inspected and checked at least once every 12 months by a
CRESTO-approved person. Several countries require 6-monthly inspections.
A safe and responsible use of sealed equipment requires, however, that the equipment
is visually inspected on unpacking prior to use in an emergency situation, in accordance
with the instructions given in the producer's training courses.
© CRESTO AB 2013 | RESQ DD CM1 V 1.4 - SE | PAT.PEND. 11196042.3 | 2013-06-03
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