The classical points/Brief description of the stages
General information on the classical points
Firstly, the term "classical points" is not entirely accurate. There are at least three groups of points which could
be termed "classical". Firstly, there are the points qualified by the corresponding phase of change, also known
as "ancient" points (or: "Five Inductors", "Foramina of Quinque Inductoria"). Treatment via the five inductors is
based on a series of clinical observations and does not correspond fully to the principle of tracts. It is based on
the energetic assessment of the patient in relation to the phases of change (for the equivalents, please refer to
the table of the five phases of change). Once the therapist has determined the energetic condition of his patient,
he can treat the patient on the basis of the various rules of energy compensation (mother/son rule, Sheng
Cyclus, large prick). Another model is the six-stage model, also known as "liu-jing bianzheng"
oped by Zhang Zhong-jing
in approximately 220 AD and describes a sequence of six differ-ent patterns which
(may) develop when a malevolent influence (Algor, han, cold) penetrates the body and triggers symptoms (par-
ticularly fever). Two points are assigned to each of the different stages (or layers). There follows a brief descrip-
tion of the individual clinical stages with the corresponding points. The points are generally pricked ping
should be noted that point H 6 (Jue-Yin) represents a substitute point only and no point is assigned to the Heart-
Illustration of the six-stage model
L 4
S 36
Ic 4
P 7
H 6
F 41
Tai-Yang (large Yang):
Great thirst and sensitivity to cold, sensitivity to wind, headache, possibility of fever or a stiff neck,
superficial pulse.
Points: It 3 (Houxi/Rivulus posterior),V 62 (Shenmo/Origo ascendentis yang)
Shao-Yang (small or mediumYang):
Bitter taste in the mouth, the initial stages of a temperature and shivering, fever without sweating,
photosensitivity, pain across the ribs to the hips, a thirst for cold drinks, loss of appetite, irritability,
nausea, blurred vision, wiry pulse.
Points: F 41 (Zulinqi/Lacrimarum instantium pedis), T 5 (Waiguan/Clusa externa)
Yang-Ming (splendid Yang, Yang lightning):
Fever with sweating, delirium, strong thirst, aversion to heat, irritability; fast, full, large (replete) pulse.
Points: Ic 4 (Hegu/Valles coniunctae), S 36 (Zusanli/Vicus tertius pedis)
The first three stages described above are excess patterns, patterns of an exaggerated
functional dynamism. The following three stages are deficient patterns, patterns of a patho-
logical reduction in functional dynamism.
. It was devel-
c (none)
It 3
V 62
R 6
Pc 6
T 5
Tai-Yin (large Yin):
Distended (swollen) abdomen with bloating, nausea and vomiting, (severe) diarrhoea, without thirst, loss of
appetite, possibly pain, cold limbs.
Points: P 7 (Lieque/Lacunae), L 4 (Gongsun/Caput metatarsalis hallucis)
Shao-Yin (smaller or medium Yin):
Disappearing pulse (small, soft, weak), the whole body is icy cold (other sources describe cold limbs here),
absence of fever, somnolence, aversion to cold, stool consists of undigested food.
Points: R 6 (Zhaohai/Mare illuminationis), C none!
Jue-Yin (absolute or expiring Yin):
Icy extremities, very weak pulse, possibly vomiting after eating, diarrhoea, sharp, spastic abdominal pain with
anal cramps; some areas are cold and others hot.
Points: H 6 (Zhongdu/Urbs media), Pc 6 (Neiguan/Clusa interna)
. It
Despite widespread criticism, the six-stage model is an excellent and useful aid against
infectious, feverish diseases
uses the points of different energetic qualification. The 12 paired meridians have the
following points:
The concentration point
strengthens the functional group. It obtains energy from the preceding functional group or from the preceding
phase of change.
"The weak asks the strong"
The dispersion point
distributes the energy of a functional group and encourages the conversion of the energy. It transmits energy to
the following functional group or the following phase of change (mother/child principle).
The source point
frees the tract and enables congested energy to flow again. The source point supports the concentration and
dispersion point. It is the end point of the luo vessel (see below).
The luo point
1. It creates a connection to the connected meridian (longitudinal luo-vessel), in other words,
the meridian which belongs to the same phase of change.
2. It connects the same functional group of both halves of the body (transversal luo-vessel).
First the luo point on one side of the body is needled, followed by the source point of the
other side of the body.
The shu point
Also known as Foramen inductorium dorsale. It activates the yang aspect of a functional group if needled sup-
pletively ( bu/supplement). If needled dispulsively (xiao, xie/dispersion/derivation), on the other hand, yang
can be removed from the functional group. The shu points are all on the bladder-meridian. They will be pricked
a) to release blockages (repletio qi) (dispulsive needling), or
b) to compensate for an extreme void (threat of a collapse in active energy, inanitas qi) (suppletive
needling or moxa).
The mu point
Also known as Foramen inductorium frontale. It activates the yin aspect of a functional group when
needled. If the point is treated with moxa, the yin aspect is weakened! In most cases, this should be
avoided. There are only a few energetic patterns which justify or require the weakening of the yin aspect of a
functional group.
Naturally, the five inductors also have an energetic qualification. Points are assigned to each of the meridians
which connect phases of change with one another via one of the regulation mechanisms. In this way, by imple-
menting the relevant diagnostic criterion, each meridian can be connected to another meridian.
Brief description of the stages
. A further treatment model of general energy compensation