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Craftsman 247.88790 Manual Del Operador página 5

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Idiomas disponibles

Idiomas disponibles

1. Do not put hands or feet near rotatingparts, inthe auger/impellerhousing
or chute assembly.Contactwith the rotating partscan amputatehands
2. The auger/impellercontrol leveris a safetydevice.Neverbypassits
operation.Doingso makesthe machineunsafeand maycause personal
3. The control leversmust operateeasilyin both directionsand automatically
returnto the disengagedpositionwhen released.
4. Neveroperatewitha missingor damagedchute assembly.Keepall safety
devicesin placeand working.
5. Neverrunan engine indoorsor in a poorlyventilatedarea. Engineexhaust
containscarbonmonoxide,an odorlessanddeadlygas.
6. Do not operatemachinewhile underthe influenceof alcoholor drugs.
7. Mufflerand enginebecomehot and can causea burn. Donot touch.
8. Exerciseextremecautionwhen operatingon or crossinggravel surfaces.
Stay alert forhidden hazardsor traffic,
9. Exercisecautionwhen changingdirectionandwhile operatingon slopes.
10. Plan yoursnow-throwingpatternto avoid dischargetowards windows,
walls, cars etc.Thus, avoidingpossiblepropertydamageor personal
injury causedby a ricochet.
11. Neverdirectdischargeat children,bystandersand pets or allowanyonein
front of the machine.
12. Do not overloadmachinecapacityby attemptingto clearsnow at too fast
of a rate.
13. Neveroperatethis machinewithoutgood visibilityor light. Alwaysbe sure
of yourfooting and keepa firm hold on the handles.Walk, never run.
14. Disengagepowerto the auger/impellerwhen transportingor not in use.
15. Neveroperatemachineat hightransport speedson slipperysurfaces.
Lookdown and behindand use carewhen backingup.
16. If the machineshouldstart to vibrate abnormally,stop the engine,
disconnectthe spark plug wire andground it againstthe engine.Inspect
thoroughlyfor damage.Repairany damagebeforestartingand operating.
17. Disengageall control leversandstop enginebeforeyou leave the operat-
ing position(behindthe handles).Wait until the auger/impellercomes
to a completestop beforeuncloggingthe chute assembly,makingany
adjustments,or inspections.
18. Neverput your hand inthe dischargeor collectoropenings.Alwaysuse
the clean-outtool providedto unclogthe dischargeopening.Do not unclog
chuteassemblywhileengine is running.Shutoff engineand remain
behind handlesuntil all moving partshavestoppedbeforeunclogging.
19. Useonly attachmentsand accessoriesapprovedbythe manufacturer(e.g.
wheelweights,tire chains,cabs etc.).
20. If situationsoccurwhich are not coveredin this manual,use careand
goodjudgment. ContactyourSears ServiceCenterfor assistance.
& Storage
1. Nevertamperwith safetydevices.Check their properoperationregularly.
Referto the maintenance and adjustmentsectionsof this manual.
2. Beforecleaning, repairing,or inspectingmachinedisengageall control
leversand stop the engine.Wait until the auger/impellercometo a
completestop.Disconnectthe spark plugwire and groundagainstthe
engine to preventunintendedstarting.
3. Check bolts andscrewsfor proper tightnessat frequentintervalsto keep
the machinein safe workingcondition.Also, visuallyinspectmachinefor
any damage.
4. Donot changethe engine governorsettingor over-speedthe engine.The
governorcontrolsthe maximumsafe operatingspeedof the engine.
5. Snow throwershaveplatesandskid shoesaresubjectto wear and
damage. Foryour safetyprotection,frequentlycheck all componentsand
replacewithoriginal equipmentmanufacturer's(OEM)parts only."Use of
parts which do not meet the originalequipmentspecificationsmay leadto
improperperformanceand compromisesafety!"
6. Checkcontrols periodicallyto verify they engageanddisengageproperly
and adjust,if necessary.Referto the adjustmentsectionin this operator's
manualfor instructions.
7. Maintainor replacesafetyand instructionlabels, as necessary.
8. Observeproper disposallaws and regulationsfor gas, oil,etc. to protect
the environment.
9. Priorto storing,run machinea few minutesto clear snowfrom machine
and preventfreezeup of auger/impeller.
10. Neverstorethe machineor fuel containerinside wherethere is an open
flame, sparkor pilot light suchas a water heater,furnace,clothes dryer
11.Alwaysreferto the operator'smanualfor properinstructionson off-season
Do not modify
Toavoidseriousinjury'or death,do not modifyenginein anyway.Tampering
withthe governorsettingcan leadto a runaway' engine andcauseit to operate
at unsafespeeds.Nevertamperwithfactorysettingof engine governor.
Engineswhichare certifiedto complywith CaliforniaandfederalEPAemission
regulations for SORE(SmallOff RoadEquipment)are certifiedto operateon
regularunleadedgasoline,and may'includethe followingemissioncontrol sys-
tems:EngineModification(EM)andThreeWay Catalyst(TWC)if so equipped.
This decal indicatesthe engine'smodelnumber,specificationandthe dateof
manufacture. P leaselook atthe decal on the engine ofyour equipmentand
recordthese informationforfuturereference.
The engineidentificationdecal also includesenginelifespecifications for the
emissions-related usefullifeperiodof the engine. T his periodrelatesto the
emissioncompliancelifeas certifiedby EPAand/orCARB.Tofind the lifeperiod
specificationof the engine,pleasereadthe enginedecaland locatethe letter
(enclosedbyquotationmarks)betweenthe wordsModerateand LifePeriod.
Matchone of the followingletterswiththe letter printedon yourdecal.For
example,HMSK80 modelsare designatedas:
"C"-- 250hours
"B"-- 500 hours
"A"-- 1000hours

